Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1974 & 1971. They have been working together as a team since their first solo exhibition in 1995 at the Ateneo de La Laguna. Since then they have exhibited in national and international galleries such as, Nina Menocal. Mexico DF My Name’s Lolita Art, Valencia, Miguel Marcos, Barcelona, L’Oeil, Paris, Val i 30. Valencia, Manuel Ojeda, Las Palmas. Ferrán Cano, Barcelona and Mallorca, Carmen de la Guerra. Madrid. Espacio Líquido, Gijón, m:acontemporary. Berlin, Nara Roesler, Sao Paolo, Torbandena. Trieste, Ulf Saupe, Berlin. Artizar, La Laguna, Gallery Momo. Johannesburg, Gallery N2. Barcelona, Kir Royal. Valencia, Charles Cowles New York, La Casa Cuadrada, Bogota, Apama Mackey, Houston and Paola Verrengia in Italy.
They have also exhibited in museums and exhibition halls such as, TEA, Tenerife, CAAM, Las Palmas. CAAM, Las Palmas, Casa de America Madrid, Espai Cuattre Mallorca. Artium Vitoria, Da2 Salamanca, Kunstraum De Castro Frankfurt, Espacio C Camargo, Henie Onstad Kunsenter Oslo, Kunsthalle Darmstadt and recently at the Institute of the Canary Islands Cabrera Pinto: As well as in the biennials of Havana Cuba. Dakart Senegal, Fotonoviembre Tenerife, Bamako Mali, NDSM Amsterdam and On Porto Bay Madeira. They have attended numerous international fairs such as Art Cologne, ARCO, Armory Show, Art Platform, L.A, Balelatina, Art Forum Berlin. MACO, SPart, Art Lima, Pulse Miami, Pulse New York, ArteBa, Art Miami, Art Chicago, Joburg, Art Bologne, Docks lyon. Art Lima, Fia Caracas. Vienna Art Fair and Marbella Art Fair
Among the awards, the following stand out: 1st Prize, Villa de Santayí, Mencion de Honor ABC de fotografía, Artistas emergentes de ARCO07, Ron Brugal.