
JACKIE SHOR Projects is a contemporary art gallery that thrives in discovering new talents and initiating them into the comercial art world.
We enjoy introducing to Brazil artists from different cultures who bring a diverse outlook and value to their pieces. Our focus is on artistic productions in varied medias that have strong visual impact, pleasing to the eye yet with an Impactful story to tell.
Our belief is that art is an intimate yet free form of expression that should have an effect on its audience, motivating them to reflect on, feel and live intriguing experiences.

Director: Jacqueline Shor y José María Ledesma
Address: Alameda Franca 535, 11 andar
Telephone: +5511996929219
Email: Josemaria.ledesma@gmail.com

Exhibited artists

Gallery artists

Sin título

Sin título

Isabella Despujols

Sin título

Sin título

Isabella Despujols

Sin título

Sin título

Isabella Despujols

Mar Pacífico

Mar Pacífico

Isabella Despujols

Lineamientos Azules

Lineamientos Azules

Isabella Despujols

Fiesta de Barlovento

Fiesta de Barlovento

Isabella Despujols

Flor de la Esperanza

Flor de la Esperanza

Isabella Despujols

Iluminación del Interior

Iluminación del Interior

Isabella Despujols

Paseo por Miami Beach

Paseo por Miami Beach

Isabella Despujols