(Buenos Aires, 1974) Bachelor of Visual Arts (IUNA) / National Professor of Painting and Engraving (IUNA).She has been selected by various juries and has participated in exhibitions
groups, Horizonte Vazado: Ibero-American Artists on the Edge, Cervantes Institute of São Paulo; Banco Foundation National Painting Exhibition Nation of Argentina, National House of the Bicentennial, Buenos Aires; Reward Klemm Foundation, at Klemm Foundation, Buenos Aires; The Change, Artists of Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank Artists Program, Washington, Dean Jensen Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Sample 50th Anniversary Background National Arts House, House of Culture, Bs. As.; 25 years of democracy National Hall of Visual Arts, Palais de Glace. Buenos Aires; Ibero-American Painting Contest, Aerolineas Argentinas, MNBA Bs. As.; Bonifacio del Carril Stimulus Award, National Academy of Fine Arts, Borges Cultural Center. Buenos Aires. Beijing Biennale, representing Argentina, National Art Museum of China.
She has obtained prizes and distinctions at the national level, First National Drawing Biennial Prize at the Franklin Rawson San Juan Museum; Arco Madrid Fair Residence Scholarship at Casa de Velazquez, National Endowment for the Arts; First Prize Visual Arts Drawing and Painting Contest, FNA, Casa Victoria Ocampo. FNA Plastic Arts Scholarship; Mention Painting National Hall of Visual Arts, Palais de Glace; Cultural Equality Award, National House of Bicentennial; First Prize Young Artist Central Bank of the Republic
Argentina, MNBA, Buenos Aires; Young Talent Grand Prize in the 3rd Edition of the Award
of Painting of the UADE University, Metropolitan Museum, Buenos Aires; 1st Prize
Positive Culture, Painting, Fundación Huésped and Secretary of Culture, Buenos Aires; 1st Stimulus Award for Young Hebraica Painters 2007, Museum Metropolitan, Buenos Aires; Mention in the Painting category at the National Salon of Visual Arts, Palais de Glace, BA. As., Itaú Cultural Award Mention, among others.
Obtained the Pollock-Krasner NY Foundation scholarship, FNA scholarship, National Scholarship 2015 Her works are part of institutional collections in Argentina, Paraguay, Spain, Colombia, USA, Italy, England.