Ana Tiscornia
ANA TISCORNIA (Montevideo, 1951, based in New York since 1991). Exhibits nationally and internationally. Her exhibitions include: On Location, Allegra Ravizza gallery in Milan, Italy; Tuning, Leo Fortuna Gallery in New York, Noticias Breves, Centro Cultural Recoleta, in Buenos Aires; and Without Notice, Cultural Center of Spain, in Montevideo. She has participated in group exhibitions such as: The Disappeared, a traveling exhibition organized by the North Dakota Museum; Heard not Seen, and September 11, 1973, both in ORCHARD, New York; Between the Lines in La Casa Encendida, Madrid; Politics of difference, in Fundacao do Patrimony Historico e Artistico de Pernambuco, Brazil and MALBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He represented Uruguay at the II and IX Biennial of Havana, Cuba, and at the III Biennial of Lima, Peru.
She is a professor at the State University of New York and art editor of Point Of Contact, the Journal of Verbal and Visual Arts. Collaborate in Brecha de Uruguay; the magazine Art Nexus, from Colombia; and Atlantic International of Spain.
She works on the paradoxical link established by architecture, understood as the language of construction, with destruction and dislocation. While it aims to preserve a certain elegance, the work aims both at a poetic rescue in the midst of the debacle and at connoting a perversity in the friction between representation and content. Addressing devastated space with the semantics of construction is also an attempt to create a presence that designates the desolation of loss, a kind of cartography of oblivion.
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Explora una paradójica relación entre la arquitectura -un lenguaje de construcción por excelencia- y la destrucción o la pérdida. Podríamos decir que es, al mismo tiempo, tanto un acto de desolación como de esperanza.