Patricia Dauder
“Some of my concerns are directed at a physical dimension. When I allude to a ‘beyond’ I am thinking of matter and its states, even if that matter is not necessarily visible: also light, space, void and time are matter. To see beyond the apparent and the immediate that is before me in the present moment. To discover or intuit the inner structure and material properties of an object or space — large or small, micro or macroscopic; be it a salt crystal, a building, or the formation of clouds — and the almost imperceptible exchanges that occur in their material states. I always had the feeling that nothing is stable or compact; that everything is in motion, under the influence of constantly changing natural or artificial cycles and processes, invisible to our senses but nevertheless existent. Because of this feeling of instability, I see the solid, the unified and the compact as something problematic. Perhaps for that reason, many of my works are the result of a sum of parts, like a puzzle of forms, or a sequence, without a clear beginning or end.” “FORWARD (Film)” shows a series of landscape views and sport actions in a non-narrative, non-lineal, and fragmented manner. The images were filmed during a 2009 Professional Windsurf Association World Cup competition held at Pozo Izquierdo Beach in the Canary Islands, a well-known spot for windsurfing due to its strong wind and wave conditions throughout the year. The film was made and edited with the idea to be a faithful depiction of my spontaneous reactions to the place and the event as much as a true cinematographic testimony of the rough environmental conditions that affected the shooting such as strong gales, big swell and dense humidity in the air hindering clear vision.