Pan American Art

Graciela Sacco


Born In Argentina in 1956. In 1980-82, she Begins to experiment with the heliography process. Amongst her solo and group shows:Ushuaia, Argentina; 2ª Bienal Internacional de Arte del Fin del Mundo (2004); Shanghai, China; 5ª Bienal Internacional de Arte de Shanghai (2001); Venecia, Italia; 49ª Bienal Internacional de Venecia; Miami, Art Miami, Osborne-Samuel Gallery, London; Miami, Scope, Rollfart Gallery, Buenos Aires; Londres, U.K. Pinta Londres, GC espacio de arte , Galeria de Arte Buenos Aires (2011). Sacco is in private collections such as: Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, EE. UU; Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, EE. UU; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, EE. UU; Galería universitaria, Universidad de Delaware, Newark, EE. UU; The Microsoft Art Collection, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, EE. U; Capitolio Policultural, Porto Alegre, Brasil; Universidad de Essex, Colchester, Inglaterra.


Her work can be poetic and universal as she gives a voice to the materials, she works with, like silk sheets to exteriorize the ephemeral state of which our memories and actions find themselves in. She showcases strong actions, emotions, overlapped with birds on a silk screen. The juxtaposition of this rough thought, rough action, over the lightness of a bird's feather and the smoothness of silks properties leaves you pondering on the depth of our actions due to discontent.

Graciela Sacco
Título de la obra: De la espera
Serie: From the Sombras del sur y del norte Series....
Técnica y soporte: Heliography on shoes and wood
Año de la obra: 2005
Medidas: 34.925 x 40.005 cm 13.75 x 15.75 in
Precio: US$ 8,000.00

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De la espera