LnS Gallery

T. Eliott Mansa


T. Eliott Mansa (*1977, Miami, FL) is a multidisciplinary artist creating assemblages, paintings, and sculptures that incorporate the aesthetic of amalgamation found in visionary Southern vernacular sculpture. Mansa’s intention is to trigger the radical imagination of viewers, encouraging them to subvert the status quo and find socio-political agency in their own communities. Mansa attended the Yale School of Art (2013) and received his MFA from CUNY Hunter College (2018). In 2019, he received a Creator Award from Oolite Arts and the Miami Foundation and in March 2021, he completed a five-week Home + Away residency through Oolite Arts at Artpace in San Antonio, Texas. He is currently an Oolite Arts resident in Miami Beach, Florida.

T. Eliott Mansa
Título de la obra: Victory of John Henry
Técnica y soporte: toys, stuffed animals, plastic flowers and foliage, toy railroad tracks, alligator head, and acrylic on wood
Año de la obra: 2020
Medidas: 177 x 124 cm

Otros trabajos de LnS Gallery

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Victory of John Henry